martes, 30 de junio de 2009


WASHINGTON, US; June 30, 2009.- The new rules, which would take effect in 2012, come after Obama urged the U.S. Department of Energy to move faster on energy conservation standards for appliances.
The efficiency standards apply to fluorescent and incandescent lamps, which represent 37 and 7 percent of lighting energy use respectively, the official said.
The standards would save up to 594 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions through 2042, the official said.
Electricity use by General Service Fluorescent Lamps (GSFL) would decrease by 15 percent, while electricity use in Incandescent Reflector Lamps (IRL) would drop by 25 percent.
Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu were also set to announce the release of stimulus funds to be used in making new and existing homes as well as commercial buildings more energy efficient.
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