jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

Sunstroom Energy To Build 50 MW Solar Thermal Plant In Spain

Sunstroom Energy Investments Limited (Sunstroom Energy) has announced its intention to build the 50 megawatt Thermostroom 1 solar thermal plant, at Saucedilla, Caceres, in the Extremadura province of Spain. The company intends to raise more than EUR300 million ($424 million) to fund the project. The plant will cover 2701 hectares of land. Project is expected to take 24 months to complete and, once fully operational, it will generate about EUR36 million in revenue per year.

Thermostroom 1, will utilise a concentrating solar power technology so that parabolic mirrors can capture heat from the sun. The stored heat, in the form of steam, in turn will drive the turbine to produce electricity.

Thermostroom 1 has full support of the local government. This support has led to Sunstroom Energy securing a lease on the site, along with outlining planning, environmental and operational permits.

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