martes, 7 de abril de 2009

Photovoltaic campaign gets support of 150 MPs

The We Support Solar campaign, which makes recommendations on feed-in tariffs, has been backed by MPs, 148 of whom have signed up to an Early Day Motion supporting the initiative.
According to campaigners, the government should set the feed-in tariff for photovoltaics at 40p per kilowatt hour.
They also claim the tariff should apply to all energy generated by solar power installations and not just to the energy exported to the grid.
The campaign also tackles various so-called "myths" surrounding solar panels and says that the "energy payback" period the time it takes for the devices to generate the amount of energy it took to make them – is lower than commonly believed and in new models will be as low as one year.
Under the terms of the Energy Act 2008, the government is set to introduce feed-in tariffs and a renewable heat incentive scheme next year.
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